LIBRO Emg Lesion Localization and Characterization: A Case Studies Approach de Mark A. Ferrante,Bryan Tsao PDF ePub
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Emg Lesion Localization and Characterization: A Case Studies Approach de Mark A. Ferrante,Bryan Tsao
Descripción - Reseña del editor EMG Lesion Localization and Characterization: A Case Studies Approach takes a unique approach to electrodiagnostic (EDX) medicine, using case studies and exercises to teach clinical reasoning and build technical skills. The first section presents basic principles, reviewing pertinent nerve and muscle anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology along with study techniques, measurements, and pitfalls. The second section emphasizes how to most effectively utilize the book's featured case studies, followed by 60 cases covering the range of disorders encountered in the EMG lab and organized by regional and multiregional disorders of the upper and lower extremities, brachial plexopathies, generalized disorders, and challenging cases. Through the EDX case studies, lesion localization and characterization are demonstrated and discussed step-by-step using a floating text box that tracks the findings for each case. Each case begins with the clinical features, which dictate the initial EDX studies performed. The results of those studies drive the next round of testing, which continues until the abnormality has been localized and characterized and a diagnosis is made. In this manner the dynamic nature of electrodiagnostic testing and process of sequential study analysis is reinforced in the cases, just as it would be in the EMG laboratory. Authored by two leading experts in neurology and electrodiagnostic medicine, all aspects of lesion localization and characterization are extensively covered, including calculations of lesion severity for demyelinating conduction block and axon loss lesions and calculations of various types of motor unit action potential recruitment frequencies. The book features a large number of anatomical drawings, charts, and EDX images in order to illustrate the skills of lesion localization and characterization comprehensively. By conveying the 'cognitive approach' to EDX medicine, EMG Lesion Localization and Characterization merges clinical knowledge with real-life cases to better instruct residents, fellows, technicians, and neuromuscular providers in the field of electrodiagnostic medicine. Key Features: Includes 60 cases covering all major neuromuscular disorders Presents basic and advanced anatomic, physiologic, pathophysiologic, and temporal principles and concepts pertinent to EDX medicine EDX studies are evaluated as they are collected, providing insight into the principles underlying electrodiagnostic medicine Through sequential step-by-step analysis of findings, the decision-making process required in the EMG laboratory is simulated Purchase includes access to the ebook for use on most mobile devices or computers
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Emg Lesion Localization and Characterization: A Case Studies Approach
- Autor: Mark A. Ferrante,Bryan Tsao
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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